Monday, February 7, 2011

Problems with Jesus…

1.  There is no reliable historical evidence for the existence of Jesus outside of the scriptures.  Jesus was supposedly the “greatest man ever to walk the earth” yet none of the historians of that time found him to be important enough to write about.
2.  The scripture writers themselves were not even eyewitnesses to Jesus.  All four scriptures were written decades after Jesus’s supposed death.
3.  Descriptions of Jesus’s deeds, character, and history are too similar to pagan gods that preceded Jesus.  Jesus is nothing more than a character based off of a compilation of these previously worshiped gods.
4.  Stories about Jesus are based solely on oral tradition.
5.  Jesus’s teachings were inspirational but they were not original or even morally superior.
6.  Jesus never revealed anything of importance to the human race.  He simply preached about peace and love.  Also, why did he “cast out demons” from people who, in all reality, were likely suffering from now known medical conditions?
7.  There are zero writings attributed to Jesus himself.  Why wouldn’t someone as important as Jesus leave us with writings straight from his own hand?
8.  There are no descriptions in the Bible regarding what Jesus looked like.  We also know very little about his childhood…why?
9.  There occurs not a shred of evidence for a city named Nazareth at the time of the alleged Jesus. (Jim Walker, 1997. From the online article “Did a Historical Jesus Exist?”)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

9 Reasons Why Science Is Better Than Religion…

1.  Science is willing to change its theories as new evidence is discovered.  Religion simply attempts to justify anything that contradicts its claims.

2.  Science has no agenda…it simply seeks the truth about the world around us.  Religion has an agenda…to convince others that a specific “God” is real and that we must “obey” this god in order to be “saved.”

3.  Science confirms its findings with evidence.  Religion “confirms” its findings with speculation, superstition, and through “revelation.”

4.  Science avoids using the supernatural to explain any phenomena.  Religion employs the supernatural to explain many things.

5.  Science is not afraid to say, “We don’t yet know how or why that happens.”  Religion simply says, “God did it.”

6.  Science has done more to advance mankind.  Religion is why we had the “Dark Ages.”

7.  Science follows logic.  Religion is based on superstition and oral tradition.

8.  People don’t start wars over opposing scientific beliefs.

9.  Science continues to advance.  Religion has been stagnant for thousands of years.