Tuesday, February 1, 2011

9 Reasons Why Science Is Better Than Religion…

1.  Science is willing to change its theories as new evidence is discovered.  Religion simply attempts to justify anything that contradicts its claims.

2.  Science has no agenda…it simply seeks the truth about the world around us.  Religion has an agenda…to convince others that a specific “God” is real and that we must “obey” this god in order to be “saved.”

3.  Science confirms its findings with evidence.  Religion “confirms” its findings with speculation, superstition, and through “revelation.”

4.  Science avoids using the supernatural to explain any phenomena.  Religion employs the supernatural to explain many things.

5.  Science is not afraid to say, “We don’t yet know how or why that happens.”  Religion simply says, “God did it.”

6.  Science has done more to advance mankind.  Religion is why we had the “Dark Ages.”

7.  Science follows logic.  Religion is based on superstition and oral tradition.

8.  People don’t start wars over opposing scientific beliefs.

9.  Science continues to advance.  Religion has been stagnant for thousands of years.

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