Monday, January 3, 2011

Christians: Would you still believe in God if…

The Bible was found to contain any, if not many, scientific inaccuracies, inconsistencies, or factual errors?

The Bible was found to contain unfulfilled prophecies?

The origin of life could be replicated in a science lab?

Life was found on another planet?

It could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the “soul” does not exist?

You had been raised to believe in a different God/faith and were then told about the God/faith that you now believe in (in other words, would you change)?

A historical church document was found which basically confirmed that the Bible was written by ancient scribes who knew nothing of a man named Jesus and that he was a fictionalized character created to further the teachings of the church?

A different God came down from the sky and presented himself to you then declared that he was the only true God?

Prayer after prayer went unanswered even though there was no reason for them to be ignored?

Solid scientific evidence was presented which confirmed the reality of the “Big Bang”?

Solid evidence was presented which confirmed the reality of evolution?

The earth was proven to be billions of years old, contradicting the Bible’s contention that it is only 6-10 thousand years old?

Evidence showed that the story of Jesus was actually based upon previously worshipped Pagan gods?

Jesus’ burial site was found and his bones were retrieved?

It was demonstrated that there is no historical evidence for the existence of Jesus outside of what the scriptures say…despite the meticulous record keeping that took place during that time period?

Christians engaged in a holy war against believers in another religion...and lost?

Prayers to a different God were answered at the same rate as those that were prayed to your God?

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