I believe that I am the perfect example of just how possible it really is to spontaneously recover from a non-organic delusional disorder.
A delusion, as you might know, is defined as “a persistent false belief held in the face of strong contradictory evidence.” Well, I can certainly say that as a child I had some highly unusual beliefs about the world around me.
I believed that there was an invisible being who watched my every move and who was also simultaneously everywhere at once. This being loved me and cared for me, but if I didn’t believe that he was real, then upon my death this being was going to send me to a horrible place where I would burn for the rest of eternity.
I believed that I could telepathically communicate all of my wishes and regrets to this invisible being and he would then grant me my wishes so long as they were consistent with his overall plan for me.
I believed that this invisible being could protect me and my loved ones from harm and/or illness. Whenever someone close to me died a slow agonizing death, I used to believe that it was all for a special purpose. This was something that I had no way of understanding but it was also something that I wasn’t supposed to question.
I believed that if I gave this invisible being money each week then he would take even better care of me. I used to get frustrated when life got rough, but I never questioned it. I just assumed that it was all a part of some larger plan that this being had in place for me.
I also had a lot of other unusual beliefs involving such things as a talking snake, a worldwide flood, people rising from the dead, a person walking on water, and so on. These beliefs were the result of selected stories inside a special book that this invisible being bestowed upon all of us humans.
As I look back, I can’t help but wonder how I allowed myself to believe such nonsense. What could possibly have caused me to hold such unusual beliefs? A rational person such as myself should know that these beliefs are unusual and impossible.
Well, fast forward to the present day…these delusions no longer persist. I am glad to say that one day I came to my senses and realized these were simply that: delusions. Since that realization came to light, I have not had any more delusional episodes. I now see the world the way it is. It functions the way it does due to natural laws and not because of some invisible being who, like a puppeteer, manipulates the world around us.
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