Sunday, December 26, 2010

My Own Thoughts and Quotes about Religion and Faith

“Delusions are still delusions, whether they are socially acceptable or not.”
“The early church leaders purposely created a God that is unfalsifiable.”

“You can’t disprove an invisible, quiet God that allows evil, unless of course, you do so with common sense.”

“There’s a certain level of confidence that goes along with asserting the truth.  Call it arrogance if you want, but I prefer to call it confidence.”

“Religious belief is an escape from rational thought – a magical place where those in need of something can find exactly what they are looking for.”

“The “moral wisdom” of the Bible has been far outdone by current thinkers not claiming to be ‘inspired by God.’”

“It isn’t God that inspired the Bible, it is belief in God that inspired the Bible.”

“I am absolutely astonished at the number of individuals who actively engage in the mass delusion called faith.  Religion is perhaps the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind.”

“There is something seriously wrong with the individual that uses faith instead of evidence to form the basis of their beliefs.  To do so is a demonstration of ignorance at the highest level.” 

Science holds those that challenge it in high regard, while religion holds those that challenge it as evil or blasphemous!  Now I ask…which has more integrity?

To me, faith is sort of like the opposite of being “in denial.”  Instead of “denying” something for which there is plenty of solid, concrete, and/or obvious evidence, a person of faith instead “accepts” something for which there is a complete lack of evidence.  Both individuals reject what is obvious to the outsider and instead believe what they need to believe, regardless of the evidence.

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