1. The God of the Bible is evil, cruel, unjust, tyrannical, deceitful, petty, and unworthy of worship.
2. No Christian apologist has ever satisfactorily answered the question “Who created God?”
3. Religion is based on tradition and has a cultural/geographical component to it. If a Mormon were born in Saudi Arabia, then that Mormon would now be a Muslim. Our religious affiliation is usually related to our geographical location.
4. The character of Jesus is nothing more than a composite of previously worshipped pagan gods. He shares many of the same characteristics as Osiris, Mithra, Krishna, and Horus (plus many others). Jesus was simply an updated version of these gods for the Christians to believe in.
5. Prayer works at the same rate as chance. Even people of other faiths that pray say that their prayers are answered…yet they pray to a different god.
6. The bible is filled with scientific errors. If it was truly inspired by God, then I doubt he would allow for all of these inaccuracies.
7. Heaven and hell are not real. These concepts were created by early church leaders to manipulate people into following their teachings.
8. There is no afterlife. Once our brain dies, there is no longer a capacity to store or experience thoughts, memories, emotions, or any other brain function. We simply cease to exist, just as we did before we were born.
9. The Bible contains absolutely no information in it that wasn’t already known to the ancient men who wrote it. If god had inspired it, don’t you think there would be a wealth of information in it that would be at least a little bit more impressive?
10. There is absolutely no reason for God to hide from us. If he were real then we would know it and we wouldn’t have to speculate about it.
11. Too much evil exists in the world for there to be an all-powerful, all-knowing, benevolent God. Either god is not all-knowing, not all-powerful, non-benevolent, or he simply doesn’t exist.
12. Evolution is real and there is an overwhelming amount of evidence for it. Intelligent Design is not real and there is not one shred of evidence for it.
13. It is more likely that matter always existed rather than a highly complex creator.
14. There is a complete lack of reliable evidence for the existence of God.
15. There are too many different religions, all claiming to be the “one true religion”…it’s more likely that none of them are “true” and all are false.
16. According to the Bible, the second coming of Jesus was supposed to have already happened…yet it has not (and never will).
17. The accounts of Jesus (from the first four books of the New Testament) were not even written until at least 40 years after his death. None of the accounts are from eyewitnesses. These accounts are nothing more than hearsay.
18. There is not even one writing in existence that is attributed to Jesus…not one.
19. The Bible is full of tall tales.
20. Original sin makes no sense.
21. Christianity talks so much about “sin” yet most of what it considers a ’sin” is not even harmful or hurtful to anyone else.
22. “Personal experiences” of god are nothing more than psychological or physiological experiences that have nothing to do with God. People of every faith (even atheists) have these experiences…they can be explained naturally.
23. The Bible is morally reprehensible. Sure, there is a lot of good stuff in the Bible, but it is scattered amongst a lot of terrible stuff.
24. The story of creation makes no sense…how could God have created light before he created the sun and stars? Did he create artificial light first?
25. Archeological evidence has never been found to support many of the supposed events in the Bible…evidence that should be found quite easily.
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