1. The Bible implies that the earth is only 6-10 thousand years old. However, we know from many different scientific fields that it is much, much older than that. Either the Bible is inaccurate or Christianity has a lot of explaining to do. If Christianity is wrong about the age of the earth, then what else is it wrong about?
2. Evolution can be falsified in a number of different ways…yet it never has been and never will be. Why? Because evolution is a fact.
3. The Bible is filled with inconsistencies, scientific errors, historical errors, absurdities, and useless information. There is even a whole field of study (called apologetics) devoted to explaining all of these errors and discrepancies. Why would a “perfect book” inspired by a “perfect god” need apologetics to clarify all of these problems. Shouldn’t a book as “perfect” as the Bible be clear, consistent, and accurate?
4. There is no afterlife. The soul does not exist. Our memories, thoughts, ideas, and emotions are all the result of physiological processes. Once the body dies and the brain no longer functions, there are no more of these processes taking place and we simply cease to exist. We go to the same place after we die as we were before we were born. There are no memories, no thoughts, and there is no pain. There is nothing…and that’s okay.
5. The whole story of creation, original sin, and salvation simply make no sense. I mean seriously, think about it. All three of these concepts are utterly ridiculous. Can anybody really preach these concepts with a straight face and expect others to believe them?
6. Prayer doesn’t work. It’s called “confirmation bias.” People acknowledge prayers that “have been answered” by attributing it to god’s grace. But when prayers are not answered, they are simply written off as “not part of God’s plan.” In the bible it says that all prayers will be answered if asked in the lord’s name. If that is the case, then why didn’t I ever get that puppy I prayed for as a child? Prayers are only “answered” at the same rate as chance.
7. The god of the bible is not worthy of worship. He sends good, non-believing people to hell even if they had led good lives and he sends horrible people to heaven if they simply accept him as their savior. Say what? So god either sends people to the best place imaginable or to the worst place imaginable…hmmm. That makes no sense. Luckily, there is no heaven and there is no hell…they were each created by early church leaders to manipulate the masses.
8. Religion is just a crapshoot. Roll the dice on a religion and hope you pick the correct or “only true” one. If you are wrong…guess where you will go for eternity? It is much more likely that NONE of the religions are true. Science is where we should turn to for answers.
9. Churches intentionally shield known scientific facts from its members and instead teach “facts” which have long been disproven by science. They insist that the words of ancient desert wanderers are more accurate than those of our current day scientists. Sadly, many church-goers buy into it.
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